Non Fiction Articles on Newsela, Viscosity, MM Leaders, Pointillism, Rods and Singles for Number Sense

The kids are getting much better at working cooperatively. They are really learning to stay focused on their work. Being able to read, discuss material, and decide where the information is cited or located in the articles is the task we have been working on all year. They kids must cite their answers-that way they learn what 'evidence' is. This second quarter the class is able to get on the  at least twice a week.       The articles on this site are taken from magazines like National Geographic and Smithsonian. This past quarter the kids were to take at least 12 quizzes from the assortment of articles that I have loaded into 4 Google Classrooms. The articles are content chosen that is related to our 4th grade curriculum and standards. There are all kinds of topics and the kids can choose their reading level. As a class, our non fiction reading level is below 4th grade so having a resource with interesting articles that are fact based with a 4 question quiz that covers 8 areas for reading has been very valuable. Plus, the kids love it!           In these pictures, they are working with a partner to earn 100% which is what is required for 3rd Quarter. They can have the quiz reset. We talked about that yesterday and they acknowledged that they absolutely can earn 100% by rereading, talking, reviewing the questions, and making a stronger effort to find the facts that support the answer to the questions asked.d

 There has
been a record that shows what articles are read, for how long, what areas they annotated, and how they are understanding reading material.

Rods and Singles-Making Multiplication as hands on as possible-first showing the multi digit problem with the steps of  breaking the rods (10s) and singles (1s) to distribute the parts. Then they write the equation for the steps in their math notebook. Getting " Number Sense" means knowing how to round, estimate, realize if the answer is reasonable, being able to discuss what is being asked, and setting up the problem.

Students showing each other their work. 

  We did a LOOOONG and TERRRIFIC experiment on Viscosity of several types of liquids. These are the graphic organizer for collecting the facts and analyzing the experiment. Notice that the honey took 25 minutes to flow down the cookie sheet! They kids worked so well together on this experiment and  we made it through all the steps. Over the course of the year, we have focused on different parts and this question, we went through all the steps. We talked about the Science Fair too and if any want to do it. February is the month for that opportunity. If you would like more info-- let me know.
 We got Clarissssa out and now she is enjoying hanging out more-- just shed and looking healthy.

In January, the kids started leading Morning Meeting. It has been going really well. Again, they have really grown are are working to do their best to reach the expectations required for the things we do to be successful. They kids that lead, in this case, Baxter and Carson, must talk to me the day before with the their plan. 

We did a Class Brain awhile back and the MM Leaders used that with a multiplication question-- fun.

They asked a question for the kids to discuss in an activity called 4 Corners.
 Pointillism is an interesting artistic technique we studied while reading Whipping Boy by Sid Fleischman. We used Q-tips and paint brushes and compared the different tools. Plus we spent time studying the art of Georges Seurat.

 The picture below is soooo coool! And right on for 4th Grade. Hayley is using her Criteria List for writing the Mountain Man Narrative AS She is Writing! She is checking in to make sure to cover all that she needs to have in the assignment. Raise the ROOF for Hayley!
She is working thoroughly, thoughtfully, and carefully!
