The first day was absolutely jammed packed with good stuff the students did as learners. While we were reviewing the Matrix that helps guide our behavior, I had the kids go through their first lesson/activity with me. They did really well...once we talked about accountability and what that looks like. :)
They were randomly given a partner from my deck of regular cards and had to talk to that partner about what they had written. They had to talk about what they did from the LIONS matrix and cite the spot on the matrix it matched to. Then their partner had to remember and share it. The math connection was that we tallied up the comments and put them in a chart. It was interesting because we analyzed the chart and saw that the kids really understood the attributes of Loyalty and Nobility and had places to grow in grasping Optimism, Success, and Integrity. The numbers were 13 to 8. Big difference. Then today, we worked specifically to understand Integrity. It happened during Cursive and Grammar-- good focus, a silent room, body and tools all used appropriately, great care to finish.
I talked to them and they received a token as a class for such good work together.
The pictures are showing them working together in partners.
Adding math analysis to cooperative work |
I talked to them and they received a token as a class for such good work together.
The pictures are showing them working together in partners.
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